Montag, 15. Januar 2007

Godly artistry

I am a newcomer in trading stocks, and really just about to get a bit mature in this field. I have not a completely free will doing this, it seems to me that I'm urged to it, and since I daily see that there is an inner urge and force in stock charts, too, I finally develop a religious feeling after decades of buddhistic atheism.

I see a powerful, awe inspiring hand in the charts -benevolent, clear, tough, uncompromising- and I feel connected to the "Substance" (as Spinoza called "God") by looking at the artistry in the charts and their supernatural rules and beauty. I might one day do art with charts, as the patterns, forms reflect the creation on the whole.

There are fighting animals, there are friends, there are archaic patterns of ancient peoples. All of it in the charts. Remember God giving the touch of life to Adam, as painted in the Sixtine chapel by Michelangelo. The painter had never seen drawing of price movements, but he subconsciouly knew the archetypical lines and shapes. The godly spark to life (as in the painting) is an archetypical movement, often to be seen in stock charts, too.

The sketches on the screen appear the same way as when the godly hand wrote on Belsazar's wall. "Mene mene tekel and parsin. It has been weighed and found wanting." That is a constant universal rule and governing everything, from Earth to Ether. The constant weighing and moving accordingly.

That's my interest now: doing some work to describe archetypical chart patterns, mathematical and geometrical (Substance-given) ratios and movements, creation and destruction, as related to the human psyche and subconscious, and reflected in all of what is existing. Let us not forget the Spinoza's first oberservation of the Substance: it needs do be. I would add: it needs to move. It needs to splash and repose. It wants to break-out and to withdraw. There is expansion, and contraction (quite mathematically describable), I even see all shapes of human emotions evolving in it, fear and courage, depression and frivolity.

Besides charting, I try to feel the sentiment/judgement as created in the news. They seem to me to be an instrument of the "Substance". However, reading those things, is not easy in the case of many shares, as there is not much media coverage, they are simply not discussed nor
in the focus of anybody. But I have seen that sometimes there is an article that doesn't seem noteworthy. But it is noteworthy. There is nothing not noteworthy. If there is a surprising move in a stock, people say: speculators, but I ask myself: What is going to happen that wasn't expected?
An example: Look at the chart of BP. We saw it at a miserable bottom three days ago. It then splashed, with huge volume, and started a clear decision to go up. Yesterday, we read that Lord Brown would retire soon. So, the share felt an oncoming event beforehand, before the media coverage of a turnaround or a new direction of the company.

The charts tell things in advance, that's why I believe in them. They are sketched by an invisible hand. They tell me when there is peace, and when there is war. They tell me that Israel will not attack Iran in the coming weeks, and probably not yet this year. Observe the connection of the value of the Sheikel, Tel-Aviv stocks, oil price, general condition of stocks. There is now a need to rest after belligerent rhetoric throughout 2006. The universe needs a repose. So here, I try to connect the charts to see the unpredictable, the moves and the throbbing and pulsing of the Universe. This is meditative, and it is about detecting my innermost feeling, so as to be able to judge the overall sentiment. I believe that we have got an ability in ourselves to get connected to humanity, as an organ of the Substance, and to know its movements, by deeply listening to ourselves. So, alltogether, it seems that my trading has got a spiritual nature.

When I describe charts, seeing their rules, I am always with the greatest respect to the force behind, and I really just try to detect what "it" is telling me. Its language is cryptic and enigmatic, and I sometimes I live days with chart pictures, to absorb the message. The Substance presently gives me a hand and shows me a new direction, after having humbled me for years. I don't understand the reason for this or that, and I guess the Substance, which I will call "S" from now on, doesn't know either. It does what it has to do. No reasing. But altogehter it certainly writes an interesting story. It is a story-writer and -teller. It humbles for embracing later. It kicks down to lift up. It seems absurd in a small perspective and glorious from a larger point of view.